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The publications are listed in reverse chronological order, grouped into peer-reviewed texts and other publications. As far as available, the digital object identifier (DOI) is provided after each entry and links to the abstract or full text of the publication (depending on the availability of the journal at your institution). Submitted manuscripts that are not available as preprints are not listed.
Peer-reviewed scientific journals and books
[84] Ksenia Groh, Thomas Backhaus, Bethanie Carney-Almroth, Birgit Geueke, Pedro Inostroza, Anna Lennquist, Maricel Maffini, Heather A Leslie, Daniel Slunge, Leonardo Trasande, Michael Warhurst, Jane Muncke. 2018. Chemicals associated with plastic packaging: Inventory and hazards. Under review. Preprint available at
[83] Paul van den Brink, Alistair Boxall, Lorraine Maltby, Bryan Brooks, Murray Rudd, Thomas Backhaus, David Spurgeon, Violaine Verougstraete, Charmaine Ajao, Gerald T. Ankley, Sabine Apitz, Kathryn Arnold, Tomas Brodin, Miguel Cañedo‐Argüelles, Jennifer Chapman, Jone Corrales, Marie‐Agnès Coutellec, Teresa F. Fernandes, Jerker Fick, Alex T. Ford, Gemma Papiol, Ksenia Groh, Thomas Hutchinson, Hank Kruger, Jussi Kukkonen, Stefania Loutseti, Stuart Marshall, Derek Muir, Manuel Ortiz‐Santaliestra, Kai Paul, Andreu Rico, Ismael Rodea‐Palomares, Jörg Römbke, Tomas Rydberg, Helmut Segner, Mathijs Smit, Cornelis van Gestel, Marco Vighi, Inge Werner, Elke Zimmer, Joke van Wensem. 2018. Toward sustainable environmental quality: Priority research questions for Europe, Env. Tox. and Chemistry, (Open Access)
[82] T Backhaus, M Scheringer, Z Wang. 2018. Developing SAICM into a framework for the international governance of chemicals throughout their lifecycle: Looking beyond 2020 Integrated environmental assessment and management 14 (4), 432-433
[81] Jane Muncke, Thomas Backhaus, Birgit Geueke, Maricel V. Maffini, Olwenn Viviane Martin, John Peterson Myers, Ana M. Soto, Leonardo Trasande, Xenia Trier, and Martin Scheringer. 2017. Scientific challenges in the risk assessment of food contact materials. Environmental Health Perspectives, 25(9):095001.
[80] Sabine Apitz, Thomas Backhaus, Glenn Suter, Wayne Landis (2017) Science, anti-science and environmental decision making: A call to action. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 13(4), 557–559
[79] Natàlia Corcoll, Tobias Österlund, Lucas Sinclair, Alexander Eiler, Moritz Buck, Erik Kristiansson, Thomas Backhaus, K. Martin Eriksson (2017) Comparison of four DNA extraction methods for comprehensive assessment of 16S rRNA bacterial diversity in marine biofilms using high-throughput sequencing. FEMS Microbiology Letters
[78] Mikael B Gustavsson, Jörgen Magnér, Bethanie Carney-Almroth, K. Martin Eriksson, Joachim Sturve, Thomas Backhaus. (2017). Chemical monitoring of Swedish coastal waters indicates common exceedances of environmental thresholds, both for individual substances as well as their mixtures. Marine Pollution Bulletin, Preprint available at PeerJ,
[77] Mikael B Gustavsson, Jenny Kreuger, Mirco Bundschuh, Thomas Backhaus. 2017. Pesticide mixtures in the Swedish streams: environmental risks, contributions of individual compounds and consequences of single-substance oriented risk mitigation. Science of the Total Environment, 598(15), 973–983. Preprint available at PeerJ,
[76] Apitz S, Attanasio R, Backhaus T, Barnthouse L, Batley G, Brauman K, Brooks B, Chapman P, Griffin M, Kapustka L, Landis W, Leung K, Linkov I, Meador J, Olsen S, Tannenbaum L, Toll J, Suter G, Wenning R. 2017. Environmental policy recommendations for the new US President. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 13(1), 7-7. 10.1002/ieam.1856
[75] Kristian Syberg, Gary Banta, Peter Bruce, Jonas S. Gunnarsson, Mikael Gustavsson, Wayne R. Munns, Jr., Rob-ert Rämö, Henriette Selck, Thomas Backhaus. 2016. Towards a conceptual approach for assessing risks from chemical mixtures and other stressors to coastal ecosystem services. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 13(2), 376-386,
[74] Selck H, Adamsen PB, Backhaus T, Banta GT, Bruce PKH, Burton GA, Butts MB, Boegh E, Clague JJ, Dinh KV, Doorn N, Gunnarsson JS, Hauggaard-Nielsen H, Hazlerigg C, Hunka AD, Jensen J, Lin Y, Loureiro S, Miraglia S, Munns WR Jr, Nadim F, Palmqvist A, Rämö RA, Seaby LP, Syberg K, Tangaa SR, Thit A, Windfeld R, Zalew-ski M, Chapman PM. 2017. Assessing and Managing Multiple Risks in a Changing World – the Roskilde Recommendations. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 36(1), 7-16.
[73] Backhaus, T, Seiler, T-B. 2016. Communicating environmental science to the general public. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 12: 415, 2016
[72] Backhaus, T. 2016. Environmental Risk Assessment of pharmaceutical mixtures in Europe: demands, approach-es, gaps and possible bridges. Journal of American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists 18(4), 804-813,
[71] Williams, M., Backhaus, T., Bowe, C., Choi, K., Connors, K., Hickmann, S., Hunter, W., Kookana, R., Marfil-Vega, R. and Verslycke, T., 2016. Pharmaceuticals in the environment: An introduction to the ET&C special issue. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 35(4), pp.763-766, 2016
[70] Wendt I, Arrhenius Å, Backhaus T, Blanck H The toxicity of the three antifouling biocides DCOIT, TPBP and me-detomidine to the marine pelagic copepod Acartia tonsa, Ecotoxicology, March 2016, 1-9,
[69] Johansson ON, Nilsson AK, Gustavsson MB, Backhaus T, Andersson MX, Ellerström M. (2015) A quick and robust method for quantification of the hypersensitive response in plants. PeerJ 3:e1469
[68] Brandt KK, Amezquita A, Backhaus T, Boxall A, Coors A, Heberer T, Lawrence JR, Lazorchak J, Schönfeld J, Snape JR, Zhu JG, Topp E: Ecotoxicological assessment of antibiotics: a call for improved consideration of microor-ganisms, Env Int. 85, 189-205, 2015
[67] Faust M, Backhaus T Prioritisation and standard setting for pollutant mixtures in the aquatic environment – A business consultant’s perspective Env. Tox Chem. 34 (10), 2185-2187, 2015
[66] Kroll A, Matzke M, Rybicki M, Obert-Rauser P, Burkart C, Jurkschat K, Verweij R, Sgier L, Jungmann D, Backhaus T, Svendsen C. Mixed messages from benthic microbial communities exposed to nanoparticulate and ionic silver: 3D structure picks up nano-specific effects, while EPS and traditional endpoints indicate a concentration-dependent impact of silver ions Env. Science and Poll Res, 23(5), 4218-4234, 2016
[65] Mikael B Gustavsson, Andreas Hellohf, Thomas Backhaus. 2017. Evaluating the environmental hazard of industrial chemicals from data collected during the REACH registration process. Science of the Total Environment. 586, 658–665 Preprint available at PeerJ,
[64] Backhaus T, Trier X Empowering academic research in chemical risk assessment and management. Integrated Env. Ass. Man. 2015, 11(2), 183-184. Preprint available at
[63] Judd A, Backhaus T, Goodsir F. An effective process for practical implementation of marine cumulative effects assessment. Environmental Science & Policy 54 (2015) 254–262
[62] Kroll A, Matzke M, Rybicki M, Obert-Rauser P, Burkart C, Jurkschat K, Verweij R, Sgier L, Jungmann D, Backhaus T, Svendsen C. Mixed messages from benthic microbial communities exposed to nanoparticulate and ionic silver: 3D structure picks up nano-specific effects, while EPS and traditional endpoints indicate a concentration-dependent impact of silver ions Env. Science and Poll Res, 1-17, 2015
[61] Backhaus T, Trier X Empowering academic research in chemical risk assessment and management. Integrated Env. Ass. Man. 2015, 11(2), 183-184. Preprint available at
[60] Eriksson, KM, Johansson H, Fihlman V, Grehn A, Sanli K, Andersson MX, Blanck, H, Arrhenius, Å, Sircar, T, Back-haus, T M Long-term effects of the antibacterial agent triclosan on marine periphyton communities. Environ. Tox. Chem., 34(9), 2067–2077, 2015 Preprint available at PeerJ
[59] Diamond M, deWit CA, Molander S, Scheringer M, Backhaus T, Lohmann R, Arvidsson R, Bergman Å, Hauschild M, Holoubek I, Persson L, Suzuki N, Vighi M, Zetzsch C. Exploring the planetary boundary for chemical pollution Environment International, 78, 8–15, 2015
[58] Altenburger et al. Future water quality monitoring — Adapting tools to deal with mixtures of pollutants in water resource management, Science of the Total Environment, Vol 512–513, p 540–551, 2015,
[57] Eriksson, KM, Johansson H, Fihlman V, Grehn A, Sanli K, Andersson MX, Blanck, H, Arrhenius, Å, Sircar, T, Backhaus, T M Long-term effects of the antibacterial agent triclosan on marine periphyton communities. Accepted for publication in Environ. Tox. Chem. Preprint available at PeerJ
[56] Brack W et al. SOLUTIONS for present and future emerging pollutants in land and water resources management, Science of the Total Environment, 503–504, 22–31. 2015.
[55] Backhaus T A note of caution: the threshold of toxicological concern (TTC) is unsuited as a decision rule for deciding whether mixture risk assessment is necessary, Preprint available at PeerJ
[54] Johansson H, Janmar L, Backhaus, T Toxicity of ciprofloxacin and sulfamethoxazole to marine periphyticalgae and bacteria. Aquatic Toxicology, 156, 248–258, 2014, Preprint available at PeerJ
[53] Backhaus T Medicines, shaken and stirred: a critical review on the ecotoxicology of pharmaceutical mixtures, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 2014, 369, 20130585, Preprint available at PeerJ
[52] Faust M, Vogs C, Rotter S, Wöltjen J, Höllrigl-Rosta A, Backhaus T, Altenburger R Comparative assessment of plant protection products: how many cases will regulatory authorities have to answer? Env. Science Europe, 2014, 26:11, Direct Link (Open Access),
[51] Johansson H, Janmar L, Backhaus, T. Triclosan causes toxic effects to algae in marine biofilms, but does not inhibit the metabolic activity of marine biofilm bacteria. Marine Poll Bull. 2014, Preprint available at PeerJ:
[50] Arrhenius Å, Backhaus T, Hilvarsson A, Wendt I, Zgrundo A, Blanck H Arrhenius A novel rapid assay for evaluating the efficacy of biocides to inhibit the development of marine photoautotrophic biofilms, Marine Poll Bulletin, 87(1–2), 292–299, 2014, Pre-print available at PeerJ:
[49] Johansson H, Janmar L, Backhaus T: Toxicity of ciprofloxacin and sulfamethoxazole to marine periphytic algae and bacteria, Aquatic Toxicology, 156, 248-258, Pre-print available at PeerJ
[48] Hassold, E, Backhaus, T The predictability of mixture toxicity of demethylase inhibiting fungicides to Daphnia magna depends on life-cycle parameters. Aquatic Toxicology, 2014, 152:205-14. Pre-print available at PeerJ:
[47] Matzke M, Jurkschat K, Backhaus T: Toxicity of differently sized and coated silver nanoparticles to the bacterium Pseudomonas putida. Ecotoxicology. 23(5), 818-829, Pre-print available at PeerJ:
[46] Backhaus T, Karlsson M.: Screening-level mixture risk assessment of pharmaceuticals in STP effluents. Water Research, 49(1),157-165, 2014. Pre-print of the final manuscript available at PeerJ:
[45] Wendt I, Arrhenius Å, Backhaus T, Hilvarsson A, Holm K, Langford K, Tunovic T, Blanck H: Extreme irgarol tolerance in an Ulva lactuca L. population on the Swedish west coast, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 76(1), 360-364, 2013
[44] Ashbolt NJ, Amézquita A, Backhaus T, Borriello SP, Brandt KK, Collignon P, Coors A, Finley R, Gaze WH, Heberer T, Lawrence J, Larsson DGJ, McEwen SA, Ryan JJ, Schönfeld J, Silley P, Snape JR, van den Eede C, Topp E: Human health risk assessment (HHRA) for environmental development and transfer of antibiotic resistance. Env Health Persp, 121(9), 993-1001, 2013,
[43] Backhaus T, Faust M, Kortenkamp A: Cumulative Risk Assessment: a European perspective on the state of the art and the necessary next steps forward. Int Env Ass Man, 9(4), 547–548, 2013
[42] Wendt I¸ Arrhenius Å, Backhaus T, Hilvarsson A, Holm K, Langford KH, Tunovic T, Blanck H: The estimated toxicity of five antifouling biocides in a new settling assay with Ulva lactuca zoospores. Bull. Env Cont Tox, July 2013
[41] Pérya, A.R.R., Schüürmann G., Ciffroyc, P., Faust, M., Backhaus T., Aichere L., Mombellia E., Tebbya, C., Cronin, M.T.D., Tissot, S., Andres, S., Brignon, J.M., Frewer, J.M., Georgiou, S., Mattas, K., Vergnaud, J.C., Peijnen-burg, W., Capri, E., Marchis, A., Wilks, M. F. Perspectives for integrating human and environmental risk assessment and synergies with socio-economic analysis, Sci Tot Env, 456, 307–316, 2013,
[40] Altenburger R, Backhaus T, Boedeker W, Faust M, Scholze M: Simplifying complexity: Mixture toxicity assessment in the last 20 years, Env Tox Chem 32 (8), 1685-1687, 2013
[39] Backhaus, T., Altenburger, R., Faust, M., Frein, D., Frische, T., Johansson, P., Kehrer A., Porsbring, T. Proposal for environmental mixture risk assessment in the context of the biocidal product authorization in the EU. Environmental Sciences Europe, 2013,
[38] Backhaus, T., Snape, J, Lazorchak , J: The impact of chemical pollution on biodiversity and ecosystem services: the need for an improved understanding, Int Env Ass Man, 8(4), 575–576, 2012
[37] Backhaus, T., Faust, M. Predictive environmental risk assessment of chemical mixtures: a conceptual framework, Environmental Science and Technology, 46(5), 2012,
[36] Silva, E., Rajapakse, N., Scholze, M., Backhaus, T., Ermler, S., Kortenkamp A. Joint effects of heterogeneous estrogenic chemicals in the E-Screen – exploring the applicability of concentration addition. Toxicological Sciences, 122(2), 383-394, 2011, doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfr103
[35] Backhaus, T., Porsbring, T., Arrhenius, A., Brosche, S., Johansson, P., Blanck, H. Single substance and mixture toxicity of 5 pharmaceuticals and personal care products to marine periphyton communities, Env. Tox. Chem, 30(9), 2030-2040, 2011, doi:10.1002/etc.586
[34] Backhaus, T., Brooks, B., Kapustka, L. Chemical Risk Assessment: Pressures, Perceptions and Expectations. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 6(3), 323-324, 2010, doi:10.1002/ieam.95
[33] Brosché S, Backhaus T. Toxicity of five protein synthesis inhibiting antibiotics and their mixture to limnic bacterial communities. Aquatic Toxicology, 99(4), 457-465,2010, doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2010.06.008
[32] Boedeker W, Backhaus T. The scientific assessment of combined effects of risk factors – lessons from experimental biosciences for epidemiology? Europ. J. Epidemiology. 25(8), 539-546, 2010 doi:s10654-010-9464-2
[31] Porsbring T, Backhaus T, Johansson P, Kuylenstierna M, Blanck H. Mixture toxicity from PSII inhibitors on microalgal community succession is predictable by Concentration Addition. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, doi:10.1002/etc.346
[30] Frische, T., Faust, M., Meyer W., Backhaus T.: Toxic Masking and Synergistic Modulation of the Estrogenic Activity of Chemical Mixtures in a Yeast Estrogen Screen (YES). Env. Science and Pollution Research, 16(5), 593-603, doi: 10.1007/s11356-009-0184-7
[29] Hassold, E. Backhaus, T. “Chronic toxicity of five structurally diverse demethylase inhibiting fungicides to the crustacean Daphnia magna – a comparative assessment” Envi-ronmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 28(6), 1218-1226, 2009, doi:10.1897/08-339.1
[28] Porsbring, T. Blanck, H. Tjellström, H. Backhaus, T. “The toxicity of the human pharmaceutical Clotrimazole to natural marine microalgal communities” Aquatic Toxicology, 91, 203-211, 2009, doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2008.11.003
[27] Backhaus, T., Sumpter, J., Blanck, H.: On the ecotoxicology of pharmaceutical mixtures. In “Pharmaceuticals in the Environment” ed. by K. Kümmerer, 3rd edition, Springer publishers, ISBN 978-3-540-74663-8, 2008, amazon link
[26] Kortenkamp, A., Faust, M., Scholze, M, Backhaus T,: Low-Level Exposure to Multiple Chemicals – Reason for Human Health Concerns? Environ. Health Persp. 115, S-1, 106-114, 2007, direct link
[25] Porsbring, T. Arrhenius, Å, Backhaus T, Kuylenstierna M, Scholze M, Blanck H, The SWIFT periphyton test for high-capacity assessments of toxicant effects on microalgal community development, J. Exp. Marine Biology and Ecology, 349, 299-312, 2007, doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2007.05.020
[24] Drost, W., Matzke, M. Backhaus, T.: Heavy metal toxicity to Lemna minor: studies on the time-dependence of growth inhibition and the recovery after exposure. Chemosphere, 67(1) 36-42, 2007, doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2006.10.018
[23] Junghans M, Backhaus T, Faust M, Scholze M, Grimme LH.: Application and validation of approaches for the predictive hazard assessment of realistic pesticide mixtures, Aquatic Toxicology, 76, 93-110, 2005, doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2005.10.001
[22] Arrhenius Å, Backhaus T, Blanck H, Grönvall F, Junghans M, Scholze M.: Effects of three antifouling agents to algal communities and algal reproduction: Mixture toxicity studies with TBT, Irgarol, and Sea-Nine, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicolology, 49, 1-13, 2006, doi:10.1007/s00244-005-1057-9
[21] Brian J, Harris CA, Scholze M, Backhaus T, Booy P, Lamoree M, Pojana G, Jonkers N, Runnalls T, Bonfä A, Marcomini A, Sumpter JP. Accurate Prediction of the Response of Freshwater Fish to a mixture of estrogenic chemicals, Environmental Health Perspectives, 113, 721-728, 2005, direct link
[20] Backhaus T, Arrhenius Å, Blanck, H: The toxicity of a mixture of dissimilarly acting substances to natural algal communities: predictive power and limitations of Independ-ent Action and Concentration Addition, Environmental Science and Technology, 38(23), 6363-7670, 2004
[19] Arrhenius Å, Grönvall F, Scholze M, Backhaus T, Blanck H: Predictability of mixture toxicity of 12 similarly acting congeneric inhibitors of photosystem II in marine pe-riphyton and epipsammon communities, Aquatic Toxicology, 68, 351-367, 2004
[18] Backhaus T, Faust M, Scholze M, Gramatica P, Vighi M, Grimme LH: The joint algal toxicity of phenylurea herbicides is equally predictable by concentration addition and independent action, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 23(2), 258–264, 2004
[17] Backhaus T, Altenburger, R, Arrhenius, A, Blanck, H, Faust M, Finizio A., Gramatica P, Grote, M, Junghans, M, Meyer W, Pavan M, Porsbring T, Scholze M, Todeschini R, Vighi M, Walter H, Grimme LH: The BEAM project: prediction and assessment of mixture toxicities in the aquatic environment, Continental Shelf Research 23: 1757-1769, 2003
[16] Faust M, Altenburger R, Backhaus T, Blanck H, Boedeker W, Gramatica P, Hamer V, Scholze M, Vighi M, Grimme LH: Joint algal toxicity of 16 dissimilarly acting chemicals is predictable by the concept of independent action, Aquatic Toxicology, 63 (1), 43-63, 2003
[15] Drost W, Backhaus T, Vassilakaki M, Grimme LH: Mixture Toxicity of s-triazines to Lemna minor under conditions of simultaneous and sequential exposure Fresenius Envi-ronmental Bulletin (FEB), 12(6), 601-607, 2003
[14] Vighi M, Altenburger R, Arrhenius Å, Backhaus T, Bödeker W, Blanck H, Consolaro F, Faust M, Finizio A, Froehner K, Gramatica P, Grimme LH, Grönvall F, Hamer V, Scholze M, Walter H: Water quality objectives for mixtures of toxic chemicals: problems and perspectives; Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 54 (2): 139-150, 2003
[13] Junghans M, Backhaus T, Faust M, Scholze M, Grimme LH: Predictability of Combined Effects of 8 Chloroacetanilide Herbicides on Algal Reproduction. Pest Management Science, 59(19), 1101-1110. 2003
[12] Junghans M, Backhaus T, Faust M, Scholze M, Grimme LH: Toxicity of Sulfonylurea Herbicides to the green alga Scenedesmus vacuolatus: Predictability of Combination Ef-fects, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 71 (3) 585-593, 2003
[11] Faust M, Altenburger R, Backhaus T, Blanck H, Bödeker W, Gramatica P, Hamer V, Scholze M, Vighi M, Grimme LH: Predicting the joint algal toxicity of multi-component s-triazine mixtures at low-effect concentrations of individual toxicants, Aquatic Toxi-cology, 56 (1), 13-32, 2001
[10] Scholze M, Boedeker W, Faust M, Backhaus T, Altenburger R, Grimme LH: A general best-fit method for concentration-response curves and the estimation of low-effect con-centrations, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 20(2), 448-457, 2001
[9] Backhaus T, Altenburger R, Boedeker W, Faust M, Scholze M, Grimme LH: Predictability of the toxicity of a mixture of dissimilarly acting chemicals to Vibrio fischeri, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 19(9), 2348-2356, 2000
[8] Backhaus T, Scholze M, Grimme LH: The single substance and mixture toxicity of qui-nolones to the bioluminescent bacterium Vibrio fischeri, Aquatic Toxicology, 49(1-2), 49-61, 2000
[7] Faust M, Altenburger R, Backhaus T, Boedeker W, Scholze M, Grimme LH: Predictive assessment of the aquatic toxicity of multiple chemical mixtures, Journal of Environ-mental Quality, 29,1063-1068, 2000
[6] Grimme LH, Backhaus T, Bödeker W, Faust M, Scholze M, Altenburger R: Kombinati-onswirkungen von Umweltchemikalien – Konzepte für die Vorhersage und ihre experi-mentelle Prüfung, UWSF – Zeitschrift für Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie, 12(4), 226-235, 2000
[5] Altenburger R, Backhaus T, Boedeker W, Faust M, Scholze,M, Grimme,L H: Predict-ability of the toxicity of multiple chemical mixtures to Vibrio fischeri: Mixtures composed of similarly acting chemicals, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 19(9),2341-2347, 2000
[4] Backhaus T, Grimme LH: Bestimmung der aquatischen Toxizität von Antibiotika mit dem chronischen Leuchtbakterientest (Vibrio fischeri), in: A. E. Lison, H. A. Diehl: Medizinische Forschung und Gesundheitswissenschaften in Bremen, Pabst Verlag, Ber-lin, ISBN: 3-934252-77-X, 2000
[3] Froehner K, Backhaus T, Grimme LH: Bioassays with Vibrio fischeri for the assessment of delayed toxicity, Chemosphere, 40, 821-828, 2000
[2] Backhaus T, Grimme LH: The toxicity of antibiotic agents to the luminescent bacterium Vibrio fischeri, Chemosphere 38(14), 3291-3301,1999
[1] Thies F, Backhaus T, Bossmann B, Grimme, LH: Xenobiotic biotransformation in uni-cellular green algae – Involvement of cytochrome P450 in the activation and selectivity of the pyridazinone pro-herbicide metflurazon Plant Physiology, 112 (1): 361-370 1996
Other Publications
[15] Thomas Backhaus, Mikael Gustavsson, Andreas Kortenkamp, Christina Rudén, Martin Scheringer, Lina Wendt-Rasch, Marlene Ågerstrand, Mattias Öberg. 2018. Letter to the Editor of “Food and Chemical Toxicology” regarding the paper “Refined assessment and perspectives on the cumulative risk resulting from the dietary exposure to pesticide residues in the Danish population” by Larsson et al. Submitted to the Journal “Food and Chemical Toxicology” on the 13th of March 2018. Preprint available at
[14] Backhaus, T: An additional assessment factor (MAF) – a suitable approach for improving the regulatory risk assessment of chemical mixtures? Report to the Swedish Chemicals Agency, published as Report 5/2015. Direct Download of the PDF
[13] Altenburger, R. Arrhenius, Å, Backhaus, T. Coors, A., Faust, M. Zitzkat D. Ecotoxicological combined effects from chemical mixtures Part 1, UBA Texte 92/2013, 2014 Direct Download of the PDF
[12] Backhaus T, Faust M Blanck H Hazard and Risk Assessment of Chemical Mixtures under REACH–State of the Art, Gaps and Options for Improvement, Report to the Swedish Chemicals Agency, 2010. Direct download here.
[11] Kortenkamp, A, Backhaus, T , Faust M.: State of the Art Review of Mixture Toxicity. Report to the Commission of the European Union (Directorate General for the Environmen), 2009. Commission Website, Direct Link to PDF. Follow up by media and news services: Göteborgs Posten, Miljöaktuelt,, Medical News, Chemicals Health Monitor
[10] Hasselöv, M., Backhaus, T., Molander, S.: REACH missar nano!, Miljöforskning 3/4, p. 20. see also the press release at the website of the Swedish Research Council (FORMAS)
[9] Jonker, M., Gerhardt, A., Backhaus, T., C.A.M. van Gestel: Test design, mixture characterization and data evaluation. In: “Chemical mixtures in the environment” ed. by C.A.M. van Gestel, SETAC Press, ISBN 978-1-4398-3008-6
[8] Scholze, M, Backhaus, T: Principles of the experimental design of mixture studies involving vertebrates, Public Report of the EU-Project ACE (Analysing combination ef-fects of mixtures of estrogenic chemicals in marine and freshwater organisms)
[7] Backhaus, T, Kortenkamp, A: Principles of Mixture Testing, with Special Emphasis on the Problem whether Estrogenic Mixture Effects Occur at Low-Effect Concentrations, Public Report of the EU-Project ACE
[6] Scholze, M, Backhaus, T, Kortenkamp, A: Optimised mixture study designs for use in in vivo studies with fish, Public Report of the EU-Project ACE
[5] Frische, T, Backhaus, T: Evaluations of the impact of non-estrogenic aquatic pollutants on the effects of individual estrogenic chemicals, including an assessment of the influ-ence of non-estrogenic chemicals on the predictability of mixture effects, Public Report of the EU-Project ACE
[4] Faust M, Backhaus, T. Innovative Risikobewertungsverfahren als Instrumente nachhaltiger Chemikalienpolitik, In: Chemikalienregulierung und Innovationen zum nachhalti-gen Wirtschaften, eds. by B. Hansjürgens, R. Nordbeck, Springer, ISBN 3-7908-1597-7, 2005
[3] Bridging Effect Assessment of Mixtures to Ecosystem Situations and Regulation (BEAM) – Executive Summary Report, 2004
[2] Prediction and Assessment of the Aquatic Toxicity of Mixtures of Chemicals (PREDICT) – Executive Summary Report, 2000
[1] Grimme LH, Altenburger R, Backhaus T, Bödeker W, Faust M, Scholze M: Vorhersagbarkeit und Beurteilung der aquatischen Toxizität von Stoffgemischen, UFZ-Bericht 25/1998, UFZ-Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Leipzig, 1998, ISSN: 0948-9452, 320 pages
Antibiotics as environmental chemicals – aquatic toxicology and combined effects of selected substances in bioluminescence assays with Vibrio fischeri, 1999, DAV Publishers, ISBN 3-934366-29-5
[…] Publications […]